April blew by like a breeze. We had our first 80 degree day of the year and on Easter no less, and although it has dropped below freezing a couple of times, not once did it get into the single digits. I don’t know about you, but I call that a win. Polar vortex-shmortex.
Speaking of wins, how about the Blackhawks winning four straight to overcome a two game deficit and put down the St. Louis Blues in the first round. Ah St. Louis: what a ridiculous city, second to Chicago in hockey and second to Chicago in Blues too. Of all the midwestern cities, you could really just consider St. Louis the little brother that got picked on a lot. They should either abandon their team or rename it the Redheads or better yet, the Theon Greyjoys. Anyway, it looks like the ‘Hawks will be heading into the second round with some steam. Goodluck, boys.
Spring in Chicago is such a great time of the year. After such a terrible winter, It’s so pleasant to step outside on a casual morning to find surprisingly that it isn’t really all that cold. It’s also refreshing to take in a deep breath of air on a nice crisp clear morning and take in all the earthly aromas, that is, unless you have are like so many of us who suffer from seasonal allergies. In that case, spring is more like something less than a death sentence. But one thing that is pretty much universally good about this time of year is the spirit of birth/rebirth that we like to recognize in so many ways. Sure there’s Easter but that holiday doesn’t really fit for everyone. Other countries have Mayday or Walpurgisnacht, but those are a bit too Pink-o or Pagany for us in the US. In Hawaii they celebrate Lei Day instead of Mayday on the first, but for those of us on the mainland we do something a little different. We go with that symbol of birth who all of you goofballs out there need to show a little more love to: your mother.