April is here! Thank the seasons, it’s about time. Let’s look forward to the first month of the year that hopefully doesn’t reach into the single digits.
The coming of spring is like waking up in the morning after a full nights rest. It just feels good to be alive. There are tons of things to do this month too! We’ve got the Chicago Improv festival this month, easter egg hunting, whiskeyfest, and of course, Baconfest!. We’d like to announce that our neighbors across the street, the American Theater Company, will be performing Hair later in the month. In support of this production we will be offering a pre-show prix fixe specials inspired characters or songs from the musical masterpiece that left no aspect of 20th century culture untouched.
Just for giggles I highly recommend that you look up what astrological age we are in. Apparently, experts disagree. Some say that the age of Aquarius is nearly upon us and should arrive in nothing less than a few centuries. Others suggest that we are neck deep in Aquarius and have been for a few decades. I wonder if the round table for that discussion gets lively and heated. How can you not appreciate the irony behind a bunch of astrological black belts fighting over the age when ‘love shall steer the stars.’ Or, maybe the lesson there is to forget about what experts say. It’s not as if the Age of Aquarius is some prophecy marked on the Mayan calendar that needs to be clearly pointed out; maybe we really do need to just ‘let the sunshine in.’
Anyway, this April some of us will be looking forward to Easter at the end of the month, some of us for religious reasons; some of us just really like to hunt for eggs in our spare time and the only time it is socially acceptable is around that particular holiday. I have to admit, Easter is one holiday that I had grown a distaste for as I got older. More recently, however, now that I am more aware of how other cultures share similar traditions based on rebirth around this time of year, I feel that whatever your reason, if it brings people together and makes them happy, then just go with it. It doesn’t hurt to see the kids running around and finding so much joy in something as simple as a painted egg.
So let it all happen. And if you need somewhere to celebrate any of your upcoming springtime parties keep us in mind. Easter, birthdays, graduations, promotions, whatever… we’ve got you covered. Or, just come by for a date night and check out this months prix fixe menu.